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So,  you wanna make a webcomic?

Well, our team of motivated student editors wants to edit them! At Level Ground Comics, our goal is to level the playing field between beginner artists and professionals in the comic industry. A great way to do that is through webcomics, which allows newer artists to find their voice, their style, and also create a huge body of work!

So, where do we come in?


We'll assign a student editor to work hand-in-hand with you to create the best comic you can! Since we're a student publishing group, we want to gain as much editorial experience as possible to also become prepared for the professional industry. 


If you're interested in working with us, send us an email with the specifications below!

Submission Guidelines:
  • Send to

  • In the subject line, please write Webcomics Submission so that we know how to edit your work!

  • Please specify if you simply want your pitch reviewed, or if you want a more long-term editorial partnership with one of our editors. 

  • Give us a brief paragraph describing the project, as well as any concept art/pages you've already created. Please include all comic-related information in a single pdf document.

  • If you don't have any art created for your story, please include your social media or link to a portfolio website

Available Editors:
  • Gwen Moore

  • Bailey Lopata

  • Avery Hick

  • Ella Funderburk

  • Andre Forte

  • Kayla-Ann McKamie

  • Kacey Hartwig


Editors will be assigned based on availability and interest.

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Copyright Level Ground Comics 2022 

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